Meditation vs. Bacon



I have a new muse, and its called meditation. Meditation is something I have always been familiar with but never really took seriously. So, after doing some research I finally removed my skepticism, and started practicing.

I sit straight on a comfortable chair when I meditate  or sometimes on the floor in Indian style. While sitting, I gently close my eyes and concentrate on my breath.  Meditation is about cleansing the mind so I literally stare into the darkness behind my eyelids and think about nothing. If I’m having trouble doing this I will say in my head in-out or repeat a mantra. A mantra is like “woo-sah” from the movie Anger Management starring Adam Sandler.

After less than a month I can already notice the mediation working. Under situations that would typically make me anxious or stressful, I am now able to quickly harness those emotions by controlling the mind.

You don’t have to be a granola eating or flip-flop wearing tree-hugger to practice mediation. But in order to make this blog post more interesting I wanted to see what common searches are associated with the words ‘meditation is’. I was surprised to notice nothing was positive until after the sixth word. I guess some people are haters, but to find out if people only display hatred while using the internet, I also Google searched ‘Bacon is’. There is still hope for humanity because I’m happy to say the results came up mostly positive!



What are your thoughts on meditation? Do you practice mediation? Are you surprised by the common searches associated with mediation? Let me know and comment below!




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