Kindness Goes A Long Way…….



Being kind to others and expecting others to be kind towards you, should be as simple as breathing. There are days I will interact with the world and notice everyone is being very nice, and those days feel special. Although at the flip of a coin, people on the next day can seem obnoxious and rude. What gives……?


I try not to judge others who seem rude because I have no idea what is happening in their personal lives.

What if yesterday they found out they are terminally ill?

Maybe a loved one recently died?

Or maybe they separated from the love of their life?


Personally, I know what it can feel like to carry on with terrible news looming in the back of your mind. I experienced what this feels like when I suffered a traumatic brain injury for the second time. It was beyond difficult to act like the happy and optimistic person, I usually was. I remember feeling like my ‘happy gland’ was ripped away, and at any moment I could breakdown and cry.


Today, I want to do something kind for no reason at all. I will be traveling north towards the veterinarians office that once upon a time, saved my dog’s life. So maybe I will buy them a box of cookies or doughnuts.


Do you feel like people should always be kind or have the freedom to be a jerk just because they have a stick up their ass?

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